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OMCL-AC240TS-C3 Box of 24 AFM Probes
820.00 USD
OMCL-AC240TS-R3 Box of 100 AFM Probes
2395.00 USD
Your volume discount is 1021.67 USD or 29.90%
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Force Modulation AFM Probe with AFM Tip at the Very End of the AFM Cantilever

Manufacturer: OLYMPUS

Coating: Reflective Aluminum
AFM tip shape: Optimized Positioning
AFM Cantilever
F 70 kHz
C 2 N/m
L 240 µm
*nominal values
How to optimize AFM scan parameters gear icon

The OLYMPUS OMCL-AC240TS series silicon AFM probes feature an AFM tip with ‘TipView structure’ that makes it easy to estimate the position of the AFM tip relative to the sample measurement site. The sharpened, tetrahedral, point-terminated AFM tip has very good symmetry when viewed from the front and is inclined when viewed from the side.

The OLYMPUS OMCL-AC240TS AFM cantilever has a nominal force constant of 2N/m, which is the smallest among the OLYMPUS silicon AFM cantilevers for dynamic mode, and keeps the load between the sample and the AFM tip low. Therefore, it is suitable for measuring viscoelasticity and measuring soft samples.

The AFM probe is made of silicon with low resistivity in the range 0.01-0.02Ω.cm. The back side of the AFM cantilever is coated with a thin aluminum reflective coating.

The parallel sidewalls of the holder chip make handling with tweezers easy and eliminate problems with chipping and debris. The holder chip does not feature alignment grooves.

A thin aluminum film with the thickness of 100nm is deposited on the back side of the AFM cantilever for enhanced laser reflectivity.
AFM Tip:

  • AFM Cantilever:
  • 2 N/m (0.6 - 3.5 N/m)*
  • 70 kHz (50 - 90 kHz)*
  • 240 µm (225 - 255 µm)*
  • 40 µm (38 - 42 µm)*
  • 2.3 µm ( 1.6 - 3 µm)*
  • * typical range