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NanoWorld An explicit model to extract viscoelastic properties of cells from AFM force-indentation curves - news

An explicit model to extract viscoelastic properties of cells from AFM force-indentation curvesFri Sep 06 2024

The #viscoelasticbehavior of #softmaterials, especially #cells and #tissues, has been extensively investigated due to its importance in many biological and physiological processes that take place during development and even disease.*
The #atomicforcemicroscope ( #AFM), in particular, is still nowadays one of the most popular methods to quantify the #mechanicalproperties of cells, due to its conformity with various material types and geometries and the rather simple analysis process of the material properties.*
For a typical #AFMindentationmeasurement, an #AFMcantilever, with a distinct #AFMtip shape, moves toward the sample with a predefined velocity and indents it until a prescribed force is reached. Generally, a Hertzian model is fitted to the approach part of the force-indentation curves to quantify the apparent Young's modulus.*
Cells and tissues, however, show not only elastic but also #viscousbehavior that is evident from the hysteresis between the approach and retraction segments of the #forceindentationcurve. Consequently, assessing this viscoelastic behavior is imperative for understanding the complex nature of #biologicalmatter.*
In the article “An explicit model to extract viscoelastic properties of cells from AFM force-indentation curves”, Shada Abuhattum, Dominic Mokbel, Paul Müller, Despina Soteriou, Jochen Guck and Sebastian Aland propose a new fitting model to extract the viscoelastic properties of soft materials from #AFMforceindentationcurves. *
Shada Abuhattum et al. show that the proposed Kelvin-Voigt-Maxwell (KVM) model adequately captures the force-indentation curves of materials having different mechanical characteristics. *
Based on the simulation results, Shada Abuhattum et al. further propose an explicit force-indentation relation to be fitted to the #forceindentationcurves. This explicit relation simplifies the association of the mechanical properties with physically meaningful components and processes.
Finally, the authors apply the fitting model to a number of samples, including poroelastic and viscoelastic #hydrogels as well as #HeLacells in two different cell cycle phases, interphase and mitotic. *
Their findings demonstrate that the proposed model can reliably extract viscoelastic properties from conventional force-indentation curves. Moreover, the model is able to assess the contribution of the different elastic and viscous elements, and thus allows a direct comparison between the viscoelastic nature of different materials.*
#AFMmeasurements were preformed using a commercially available Atomic Force Microscope. To indent the samples, NanoWorld Pyrex-Nitride tipless AFM cantilevers PNP-TR-TL… were modified by gluing 5 μm diameter polystyrene beads to the underside of the AFM cantilevers using two component glue.*
Please have a look at the NanoWorld blog for the full citation and a direct link to the full article

BudgetSensors The image shows two C-AFM scans on a partially processed semiconductor device with BudgetSensors® ElectriCont-G

We are often asked whether our platinum coated ElectriCont-G AFM probes are suitable for Conductive AFM.Wed Sep 04 2024

The ElectriCont-G are not designed or recommended for C-AFM, although some of our customers use them as a cost-effective alternative to conductive diamond coated AFM probes. Fine-tuning of scan and electrical parameters is critical to preserve the platinum coating in this demanding AFM application.
The image shows two C-AFM scans on a partially processed semiconductor device. Throughout the left scan the C-AFM current remains stable. In the right scan the current gradually drops as the scan progresses indicating fast wear of the platinum coating due to abrasion and/or local heating.
AFM measurements are courtesy of the Institute for Semiconductor Technology and Nanoelectronics, Darmstadt University of Technology.

NANOSENSORS Light-Induced Ferroelectric Modulation of p-n Homojunctions in Monolayer MoS2 - news

Light-Induced Ferroelectric Modulation of p-n Homojunctions in Monolayer MoS2Tue Sep 03 2024

The association of #2Dmaterials and #ferroelectrics offers a promising approach to tune the optoelectronic properties of atomically thin #TransitionMetalDichalcogenides (TMDs). *
In the article “Light-Induced Ferroelectric Modulation of p-n Homojunctions in Monolayer MoS2” by Mariola O Ramirez, Jaime Fernandez-Tejedor, Daniel Gallego, Javier Fernández-Martinez, Pablo Molina, David Hernández-Pinilla, Julio Gómez-Herrero, Pablo Ares and Luisa E. Bausá, the combined effect of #ferroelectricity and light on the #optoelectronicproperties of monolayer (1L)-MoS2 deposited on periodically poled #lithiumniobate crystals is explored. *
Using scanning micro-photoluminescence, the effect of excitation intensity, scanning direction, and #domainwalls on the 1L-MoS2 #photoluminescence properties is analyzed, offering insights into charge modulation of #MoS2. *
The findings unveil a photoinduced charging process dependent on the #ferroelectricdomainorientation, in which light induces charge generation and transfer at the monolayer-substrate interface. *
This highlights the substantial role of light excitation in ferroelectrically-driven electrostatic doping in MoS2.
Additionally, the work provides insights into the effect of the strong, nanometrically confined electric fields on LiNbO3 domain wall surfaces, demonstrating precise control over charge carriers in MoS2, and enabling the creation of deterministic p-n homojunctions with exceptional precision.
The results suggest prospects for novel optoelectronic and photonic application involving monolayer TMDs by combining light-matter interaction processes and the surface selectivity provided by ferroelectric domain structures.
To corroborate the optical results, Mariola O Ramirez et al. measured current-voltage (I-V) curves by using two #AFMcantilevers with platinum-coated #AFMtips in contact with the 1L-MoS2 i) on a single domain region, and ii) on both sides of a ferroelectric domain wall where the p-n junction is formed. The results are shown in Figure 3c. (cited in here).
The #electricalcharacterization was carried out by means of a home-built two-terminal probe station with 2 sets of xyz piezomotors that allow precise positioning of the electrical probes.
NANOSENSORS™ AdvancedTEC™ ATEC-EFM #tipviewAFMprobes, conductive AFM tips that protrude from the very end of the AFM cantilever, ensuring real AFM tip visibility from above for a soft and accurate mechanical and electrical contact. *
To characterize the electrical properties of the system, the ATEC-EFM probes were brought into direct contact with the MoS2 flakes , as verified using a force sensor with a sensitivity of ≈1 mN located underneath the sample. This ensures a good electrical contact between the #AFMprobes and the MoS2. *
Full citation and direct link to the full article in the NANOSENSORS blog:

MikroMasch Switchable friction and wear behavior of ferroelectrics is observed with AFM. - news

Switchable friction and wear behavior of ferroelectrics is observed with AFM.Mon Sep 02 2024

“These findings demonstrate that ferroelectrics are electrically tunable tribological materials at the nanoscale for versatile applications.”
Our gold coated 4XC-GG AFM probes and platinum coated HQ:DPER-XSC11 AFM probes are used for visualization and lithography of PbTiO3 thin films, PFM imaging and switching ferroelectric domains.

NanoWorld Morphological changes of plasma membrane and protein assembly during clathrin-mediated endocytosis - news

Morphological changes of plasma membrane and protein assembly during clathrin-mediated endocytosisFri Aug 30 2024

#Cells communicate with their environments via the #plasma #membrane and various #membrane #proteins. Clathrin-mediated endocytosis (CME) plays a central role in such communication and proceeds with a series of multiprotein assembly, deformation of the #plasmamembrane, and production of a membrane #vesicle that delivers extracellular signaling molecules into the cytoplasm.*
In the article “Morphological changes of plasma membrane and protein assembly during clathrin-mediated endocytosis”, Aiko Yoshida, Nobuaki Sakai, Yoshitsugu Uekusa, Yuka Imaoka, Yoshitsuna Itagaki, Yuki Suzuki and Shige H. Yoshimura describe how they utilized their home-built correlative imaging system comprising #highspeedatomicforcemicroscopy ( #HSAFM) and confocal #fluorescencemicroscopy to simultaneously image morphological changes of the plasma membrane and protein localization during CME in a #livingcell.*
Overlaying #AFM and fluorescence images revealed the dynamics of protein assembly and concomitant morphological changes of the plasma membrane with high spatial resolution. In particular, the authors elucidate the role of actin in the closing step of CME.*
The results revealed a tight correlation between the size of the pit and the amount of #clathrin assembled. #Actin dynamics play multiple roles in the assembly, maturation, and closing phases of the process, and affects membrane morphology, suggesting a close relationship between endocytosis and dynamic events at the cell cortex. Knock down of dynamin also affected the closing motion of the pit and showed functional correlation with actin.*
An AFM tip-scan–type HS-AFM unit combined with an inverted fluorescence/optical microscope equipped with a phase contrast system and a confocal unit was used for this study.*
The modulation method was set to phase modulation mode to detect AFM tip–sample interactions. A customized NanoWorld Ultra-Short #AFMcantilever with an electron beam–deposited sharp #AFMtip with a spring constant of 0.1 N m−1 (USC-F0.8-k0.1-T12) was used. *

nanotools Structural Protein Changes Captured at High Temporal and Spatial Resolutions - news

Structural Protein Changes Captured at High Temporal and Spatial ResolutionsFri Aug 30 2024

Discover how nanotools QUANTUM-AC10 (Soft & Sharp) with 0.1N/m cantilevers and 2-3nm radius are applied to study dynamic structural changes of proteins during functional processes in solution.

  • Title: Deciphering the actin structure-dependent preferential cooperative binding of cofilin
  • DOI: 10.1101/2023.12.06.570358
  • Authors: Ngo, Kien Xuan and Vu, Huong T and Umeda, Kenichi and Trinh, Minh-Nhat and Kodera, Noriyuki and Uyeda, Taro Q.P.
  • Publication: bioRxiv
  • Pubisher: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
  • Date: May 29, 2024

NanoAndMore Stop by NanoAndMore USA booth 1407 at the ACSFALL2024

Stop by NanoAndMore USA booth 1407 at the ACSFALL2024Tue Aug 20 2024

Good Day Denver! #ACSFALL2024 has begun! What’s NEW in the #AFMProbe nanoverse? Stop by @NanoAndMore USA booth 1407 and see!
August 18-21, Colorado Convention Center
Denver, CO
Expo Hours:
Monday & Tuesday
11AM - 5PM
10AM - 2PM
Exclusive hours for Posters and Expo Networking Break.

NANOSENSORS Quantifying mechanical forces during vertebrate morphogenesis - news

Quantifying mechanical forces during vertebrate morphogenesisThu Aug 15 2024

#Morphogenesis requires #embryoniccells to generate forces and perform mechanical work to shape their #tissues. Incorrect functioning of these #forcefields can lead to congenital malformations.*
Understanding these #dynamicprocesses requires the quantification and profiling of three-dimensional mechanics during evolving #vertebratemorphogenesis.*
In the article “Quantifying mechanical forces during vertebrate morphogenesis” Eirini Maniou, Silvia Todros, Anna Urciuolo, Dale A. Moulding, Michael Magnussen, Ioakeim Ampartzidis, Luca Brandolino, Pietro Bellet, Monica Giomo, Piero G. Pavan, Gabriel L. Galea and Nicola Elvassore describe elastic spring-like #forcesensors with micrometre-level resolution, fabricated by intravital three-dimensional #bioprinting directly in the closing #neuraltubes of growing chicken #embryos.*
Integration of calibrated sensor read-outs with computational mechanical modelling allows direct quantification of the forces and work performed by the #embryonictissues. As they displace towards the embryonic midline, the two halves of the closing neural tube reach a compression of over a hundred nano-newtons during neural fold apposition. Pharmacological inhibition of Rho-associated kinase to decrease the pro-closure force shows the existence of active anti-closure forces, which progressively widen the neural tube and must be overcome to achieve neural tube closure. *
Overall, the author’s approach and findings highlight the intricate interplay between #mechanicalforces and #tissuemorphogenesis.*
The #atomicforcemicroscopy ( #AFM) described in the article was conducted using a commercially available #atomicforcemicroscope.*
The #forcedisplacementcurves were acquired using @NANOSENSORS @PointProbePlus PPP-CONTSCR silicon #AFMprobes with a typical spring constant of 0.2 N/m. *
The #AFMcantilever #springconstants were calibrated by the manufacturer prior to use. The sensitivity of each AFM cantilever was adjusted by measuring the slope of the #forcedistancecurve acquired on a hard reference material prior to each experiment. *
#Indentation experiments were repeated at least three times for each sample, at different locations. All AFM measurements were done in a fluid environment (PBS) at room temperature.*
The #Youngsmodulus was calculated by applying a fit of the Hertz model to the force–distance curve, assuming a Poisson ratio of 0.5, as is common practice for PEG #hydrogels. Preliminary in silico analyses of the #AFMtesting procedure were carried out to evaluate the effects of boundary conditions on the estimation of Young’s modulus.*
You will find the full citation and a direct link to the full article in the NANOSENSORS blog:
#forcespectroscopy #scanningprobemicroscopy #polymers #biology #生物学 #AFM探针 #原子力显微镜探针 #力距离曲线

NanoWorld Electrically and mechanically driven rotation of polar spirals in a relaxor ferroelectric polymer - news

Electrically and mechanically driven rotation of polar spirals in a relaxor ferroelectric polymerFri Aug 09 2024

Electrically and mechanically driven rotation of polar spirals in a relaxor ferroelectric polymer
Flux-closure structures, vortices/antivortices, skyrmions, and merons in oxides, metals and polymers represent non-trivial topologies in which a local polar/magnetic order undergoes quasi-continuous spatial variations in a host crystal lattice. These structures are now extensively studied due to emergent functionalities, but the application of electrical/mechanical fields has so far only served to destroy the polar topologies of interest. * Topology created by quasi-continuous spatial variations of a local polarization direction represents an exotic state of matter, but field-driven manipulation has been hitherto limited to creation and destruction. *In the article “Electrically and mechanically driven rotation of polar spirals in a relaxor […]

NanoAndMore NanoAndMore booth for the #NCAFM2024 is all packed up and ready to travel home

Our booth for the #NCAFM2024 is all packed up and ready to travel home.Fri Aug 09 2024

Before we leave, we would like to say a big thank you to all of you who have visited our booth during the last few days.
And last but not least we would like to thank the local organizing committee at McGill University : Peter Grütter, Catherine Boisver, Louise Decelles, Chloé Paquet and Omur Dagdeviren (École de Technologie Supérieure) for a great conference.
We hope to see you all again soon!

NanoAndMore Meet us at the 25th International Conference on Non-contact Atomic Force Microscopy

Meet us at the 25th International Conference on Non-contact Atomic Force MicroscopyMon Aug 05 2024

Meet us @NanoAndMore #AFMprobes booth at the 25th International Conference on #NonContactAtomicForceMicroscopy from August 5th - August 9th at McGill University in Montreal this week.
The conference covers the experimental, theoretical and instrumental developments in #frequencymodulation and other dynamic operation modes with particular emphasis on aspects of #highresolutionimaging and #forcespectroscopy.
We're hoping to see you soon!

NANOSENSORS Happy Birthday Switzerland! - news

Happy Birthday Switzerland!Wed Jul 31 2024

We are celebrating tomorrow’s #SwissNationalHoliday courtesy of Basel University ( @NanolinoBasel ) with the smallest #SwissCross – made of 20 single atoms.
Enjoy the holiday everyone in #Switzerland!
( a NANOSENSORS PointProbePlus PPP-NCL #AFMprobe was used for this image achieved with #atomicforcemicroscopy… ).

NANOSENSORS The interface between ice and alcohols analyzed by atomic force microscopy - news

The interface between ice and alcohols analyzed by atomic force microscopyMon Jul 29 2024

#Ice plays a crucial role in our environment, with natural ice formations, such as glaciers, permafrost, river ice, and snow, strongly influencing the temperature, humidity, and weather patterns on Earth.*
Because of its importance in our lives, extensive experimental and theoretical studies have been conducted to understand the characteristic properties of ice.*
An in-depth analysis of the interface between ice and water is essential for a complete understanding of ice near-natural conditions.*
In the article “The interface between ice and alcohols analyzed by atomic force microscopy” Ryo Yanagisawa, Tadashi Ueda, Keiichi Nakamoto , Zhengxi Lu, Hiroshi Onishi and Taketoshi Minato investigate the interface between ice and organic solvents using #atomicforcemicroscopy ( #AFM).*
Atomically flat ice surfaces were prepared and observed by AFM in 1-octanol, 1-hexanol, and 1-butanol.
The results show differences in #surfaceroughness influenced by the interaction of ice and alcohols.
The #Young’smodulus of ice was analyzed by #forcecurvemeasurements, providing valuable insights into the properties of ice in liquid environments.
The atomic force microscopy (AFM) measurements were conducted with a commercially available AFM that was placed in an acoustic enclosure and was cooled with the vapor of liquid nitrogen and a copper tube cooled with antifreezing fluid to maintain the environmental temperature at 264.7–270.2 K.
#Topographicimages were obtained in the #amplitudemodulationmode with NANOSENSORS PointProbe® Plus PPP-NCHAuD #AFMprobes with gold coating on the detector side of the #AFMcantilever.
The spring constant of each lever was calibrated from the Brownian motion of the AFM cantilever. To analyze Young’s modulus from the #forcecurve, the deflection sensitivity and #AFMtip radius were calibrated using Young’s modulus of mica (70 GPa).
To confirm the reproducibility of the atomic force microscopy results, the measurements were performed on 6–32 points (the distance between the points was more than 100 µm) from 3–16 ices under each condition.
Although the interface between alcohols and ice is different from that between water and ice, Ryo Yanagisawa et al. expect that careful selection of suitable organic solvents will lead to new insights that mimic essential features of the ice–water interface.*
Ryo Yanagisawa et al. they observed the surface structure of ice in liquid environments and demonstrated the analysis of physical properties, such as Young’s modulus, through force curve measurements in these liquid systems.
The results showed the characteristics of the ice surface in different solvents, suggesting potential applications in understanding surface and interface phenomena associated with ice under realistic conditions.*

nanotools Improving Current and External Quantum Efficiency of Perovskite LEDs - news

Improving Current and External Quantum Efficiency of Perovskite LEDsWed Jul 24 2024

Discover how nanotools conical SSS-NCHR with 2 nm radius are applied to study the topography of CsPbBr3 nanocrystals treated with hydrazine monohydrobromide.

  • Title: Overcoming charge transfer barriers via electrostatically stabilized CsPbBr3 nanocrystals for efficient perovskite light-emitting diodes
  • DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2023.142120
  • Authors: Min-Gi Jeon, Artavazd Kirakosyan, ChaeHo Shin, Subin Yun, Joonseok Kim, Li Li, Jihoon Choi
  • Publication: Chemical Engineering Journal
  • Publisher: Elsevier
  • Date: 15 April 2023

BudgetSensors el2c01331_0001.jpg

Dielectric Properties of Polymer Nanocomposite Interphases Using Electrostatic Force Microscopy and Machine LearningMon Jul 22 2024

Metrology for measuring the interfacial dielectric permittivity in dielectrics with Electrostatic Force Microscopy (EFM) measurements and machine learning. AFM measurements performed using our platinum coated ElectriMulti75-G AFM probes.

NanoWorld Interfacial water on collagen nanoribbons by 3D AFM - news

Interfacial water on collagen nanoribbons by 3D AFMMon Jul 22 2024

Interfacial water on collagen nanoribbons by 3D AFM
Collagen is the most abundant structural protein in mammals. * Type I collagen in its fibril form has a characteristic pattern structure that alternates two regions called gap and overlap. The structure and properties of collagens are highly dependent on the water and mineral content of the environment. * In the article “Interfacial water on collagen nanoribbons by 3D AFM” Diana M. Arvelo, Clara Garcia-Sacristan, Enrique Chacón, Pedro Tarazona and Ricardo Garcia describe how they apply three dimensional atomic force microscopy (3D AFM) to characterize at angstrom-scale resolution the interfacial water structure of collagen nanoribbons.* Three-dimensional AFM (3D AFM) is […]

NANOSENSORS Magnetic control of self-assembly and disassembly in organic materials - news

Magnetic control of self-assembly and disassembly in organic materialsWed Jul 10 2024

#Magneticallyresponsivematerials are highly valuable for biological and medical uses because the magnetic field is non-invasive, radiation-free, and safe for humans.*
DNA and some proteins have also been shown to be magnetically responsive; however, with very few exceptions, an extremely strong magnetic field is typically required to influence the behaviours of such #biomolecules.*
As organic molecules and materials are generally insensitive or weakly sensitive to magnetic fields, it is necessary to find ways and means to increase their #magneticresponsiveness. *
Because #magneticsusceptibility is additive, one possible way of increasing magnetic responsiveness is to place multiple magnetically responsive moieties within a single molecule in a favourable orientation.
The hashtag#αhelix, one of the most common secondary structures of #proteins, provides a nice example of constructive addition in diamagnetism.
In the article “Magnetic control of self-assembly and disassembly in organic materials” You-jin Jung, Hyoseok Kim, Hae-Kap Cheong and Yong-beom Lim show that the magnetic control of assembly and disassembly under the ordinary magnetic field strength is possible by synergistically combining the concepts of the perfect α-helix and the #rodcoil #supramolecularbuildingblocks.*
You-jin Jung et al. experimentally verify the magnetic responsiveness both in solution state and in thin films containing equilibrium morphologies.*
To make this possible, the key prerequisite was the development of the α-helical peptide, which has multiple characteristics simultaneously.*
The authors show that the #selfassembly processes of the designed rod-coils and #disassembly of rod-coil/DNA complexes can be controlled in a magnetically responsive manner using the relatively weak magnetic field provided by the ordinary neodymium magnet [0.07 ~ 0.25 Tesla (T)].*
These results demonstrate that magnetically responsive #organicassemblies usable under practical conditions can be realized by using rod-coil supramolecular building blocks containing constructively organized diamagnetic moieties.*
This study lays foundation to magnetically interface organic materials with magnetic devices and instruments, with application potentials in magnetically responsive #bionanomaterials, molecular magnetic devices, and smart peptide/nucleic acid complexes highly responsive to magnetic field.*
The morphological states were characterized by #atomicforcemicroscopy (AFM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM).
#AFM was performed with a commercially available #atomicforcemicroscope in non-contact mode with NANOSENSORS™ PointProbe® Plus PPP-NCHR #AFMprobes.
The full citation and a direct link to the full article can be found in the NANOSENSORS™ blog:…/magnetic-control-of-self…/
