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Micromachined monolithic silicon AFM probe for high frequency non-contact and tapping mode operation.
The consistent AFM tip radius of less than 10 nm ensures high resolution and good reproducibility. The rotated AFM tip provides more symmetric representation of high sample features.
For measurements in liquids please use the back side gold coated Tap300GD-G or the overall gold coated Tap300GB-G!
With its industry standard dimensions of 3.4 x 1.6 x 0.3 mm the holder chip fits most commercial AFM systems.
Consistent high quality at a lower price!
This AFM probe features alignment grooves on the back side of the holder chip.
Information on compact discs (CDs) is stored by a binary pattern of real physical holes in the plastic surface just below the reflective aluminum foil. During recording (or 'burning') a CD these holes are literally burned in the plastic by the laser in the CD/DVD players in our PCs and laptops.
Scanned with a BudgetSensors Tap300-G AFM probe, 25 micron scan size
Image courtesy of Dr. Yordan Stefanov ISB, Bulgaria
Graphene oxide was synthesized from natural graphite by the modified Hummers’ method. AFM height images of mGO revealed the well-ordered flat tiling of mGO flakes (average size of 5 μm) with monolayer thickness of 1.2 nm. This process helped achieve a large area (≈1 cm2) mGO film, which was further utilized as 2D nucleation templates for fabricating large area ultrathin PVDF-NL (nano lamella).
Scanned with a BudgetSensors Tap300-G AFM probe on an Oxford Instruments MFP-3D Origin AFM system in AC mode.
Image courtesy of Dr. Masamichi Yoshimura, Toyota Technological Institute