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XNC12/Cr-Au BS-10 Box of 10 AFM Probes
250.00 EUR
XNC12/Cr-Au BS-35 Box of 35 AFM Probes
740.00 EUR
Your volume discount is 135.00 EUR or 15.40%
XNC12/Cr-Au BS-70 Box of 70 AFM Probes
1340.00 EUR
Your volume discount is 410.00 EUR or 23.40%
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XNC12/Cr-Au BS

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AFM Probe with 2 Different Gold Coated Silicon Nitride AFM Cantilevers

Manufacturer: MikroMasch

Coating: Reflective Gold
AFM tip shape: Pyramid
This probe features 2 cantilevers
F 17 kHz
C 0.08 N/m
L 200 µm
F 67 kHz
C 0.32 N/m
L 100 µm
*nominal values
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AFM probes of the 12 series have 2 silicon nitride AFM cantilevers and AFM tips on a glass holder chip. They are used in soft contact mode applications.

Cr-Au coating is formed as an Au film on a Cr sublayer, which is deposited for better adhesion of Au. The coating is formed on the back side of the AFM cantilever and has a total thickness of 70 nm.
AFM Tip:

  • 2 AFM Cantilevers:
    Cantilever A
  • Triangle
  • 0.08 N/m
  • 17 kHz
  • 200 µm (190 - 210 µm)*
  • 28 µm (23 - 33 µm)*
  • 500 nm ( 425 - 575 nm)*
  • Cantilever B
  • Triangle
  • 0.32 N/m
  • 67 kHz
  • 100 µm (90 - 110 µm)*
  • 13.5 µm (8.5 - 18.5 µm)*
  • 500 nm ( 425 - 575 nm)*
  • Loading