AFM Probes  »  
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NW-SSS-NCH-10 Box of 10 AFM Probes
741.00 EUR
NW-SSS-NCH-20 Box of 20 AFM Probes
1328.00 EUR
Your volume discount is 154.00 EUR or 10.40%
NW-SSS-NCH-50 Box of 50 AFM Probes
2928.00 EUR
Your volume discount is 777.00 EUR or 21.00%
Product availability: On stock


the industry standard

SuperSharp, Tapping Mode AFM Probe

Manufacturer: NanoWorld

Coating: none
AFM tip shape: Supersharp
AFM Cantilever
F 320 kHz
C 42 N/m
L 125 µm
*nominal values
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NanoWorld Pointprobe® NCH AFM probes are designed for non-contact or tapping™ mode imaging. This AFM probe type combines high operation stability with outstanding sensitivity and fast scanning ability.

All SPM and AFM probes of the Pointprobe® series are made from monolithic silicon which is highly doped to dissipate static charge. They are chemically inert and offer a high mechanical Q-factor for high sensitivity. The AFM tip is shaped like a polygon based pyramid.

For enhanced resolution of nanostructures and microroughness we have developed an advanced AFM tip manufacturing process leading to unrivalled sharpness of the SuperSharpSilicon tip.

This AFM probe offers unique features:

  • typical tip radius of curvature of 2 nm
  • guaranteed tip radius of curvature 5 nm (yield >80%)
  • half cone angle < 10° at the last 200 nm of the tip

For applications requiring lower resonance frequencies or a AFM cantilever length exceeding 125 µm use NanoWorld Pointprobe® type SSS-NCL.

This AFM probe features alignment grooves on the back side of the holder chip.

AFM Tip:

  • AFM Cantilever:
  • 42 N/m (21 - 78 N/m)*
  • 320 kHz (250 - 390 kHz)*
  • 125 µm (120 - 130 µm)*
  • 30 µm (25 - 35 µm)*
  • 4 µm ( 3.5 - 4.5 µm)*
  • * typical range