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AR5-NCLR-10 Box of 10 AFM Probes
1056.00 USD
AR5-NCLR-50 Box of 50 AFM Probes
4168.00 USD
Your volume discount is 1112.00 USD or 21.10%
AR5-NCLR-W Box of 370 AFM Probes
21304.00 USD
Your volume discount is 17768.00 USD or 45.50%
Product availability: On stock


High-Aspect-Ratio, Tapping Mode AFM Probe with Long AFM Cantilever

Manufacturer: NANOSENSORS

Coating: Reflective Aluminum
AFM tip shape: High-Aspect-Ratio
AFM Cantilever
F 190 kHz
C 48 N/m
L 225 µm
*nominal values
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NANOSENSORS™ AR5-NCLR AFM tips are designed for non-contact or tapping mode AFM. The NCL probe is designed for SPM systems requiring a minimum AFM cantilever length > 125 µm or a resonance frequency of less than 400 kHz. Compared to the high frequency non-contact type NCH the maximum scanning speed is slightly reduced. This AFM cantilever type combines high operation stability with outstanding sensitivity and fast scanning ability.

For measurements on samples with sidewall angles approaching 90° NANOSENSORS™ produces specially tailored AFM tips. These AFM tips are FIB (Focused Ion Beam) milled to achieve a high aspect ratio portion better than 5:1 at the end of the common silicon AFM tip. This subtractive method of producing the high aspect ratio needle offers the advantage of high lateral stiffness and rigidity of the AFM tip.

The AFM probe offers unique features:

  • length of the high aspect ratio portion of the AFM tip > 2 µm
  • typical aspect ratio at 2 µm in the order of 7:1 (when viewed from side as well as along AFM cantilever axis)
  • excellent AFM tip radius of curvature
  • highly doped silicon to dissipate static charge
  • high mechanical Q-factor for high sensitivity
  • precise alignment of the AFM cantilever position (within +/- 2 µm) when used with the Alignment Chip
  • compatible with PointProbe® Plus XY-Alignment Series

This AFM probe features alignment grooves on the back side of the holder chip.

Aluminum reflective coating on detector side of the AFM cantilever
AFM Tip:

  • AFM Cantilever:
  • Beam
  • 48 N/m (21 - 98 N/m)*
  • 190 kHz (146 - 236 kHz)*
  • 225 µm (215 - 235 µm)*
  • 38 µm (30 - 45 µm)*
  • 7 µm ( 6 - 8 µm)*
  • * guaranteed range